LANGUAGE, LITERACY & NUMERACY (LLN)MRWED Training and Assessment is committed to supporting all of its students in successfully completing their selected course of study. National research consistently indicates that many students will require some level of LLN support. As such, we recognise that we have a responsibility to understand each student’s unique LLN needs.
Our desire is to identify any LLN need that you may have as a student and to assist you in reducing the impact this may have on your studies with MRWED. Therefore, we ask for you to either opt in or opt out of an LLN assessment, which will help us in determining how best to assist you.Please select one of the following options:
Select this option if you want to pay now.You'll be redirected to the Payment Gateway.
Select this option to pay later. An invoice will be provided to you, or your sponsor, post submission.
Submitting your application now